Community Organizing in Jackson, MS in YES! Magazine

I'm happy to have a few pictures that I originally made on assignment for VICE Magazine now illustrate the cover story of YES! Magazine's summer issue. My day with the Umoja family in Jackson, Mississippi was super inspiring and it's great to learn how their work has progressed since we met a couple years ago. For more pictures from the original VICE story on black community organizing in Jackson, see FREE THE LAND

You can find the YES! Magazine story here: After Centuries of Housing Racism, a Southern City Gets Innovative

Louisiana Coastal Flooding for NPR

I made some pictures down the bayou for an NPR story that illuminates a hard question that the state of Louisiana has encountered when it comes to its eroding coastline -- if state and local governments can no longer protect coastal communities from flooding, then how to actually help them relocate?

NPR: Louisiana Says Thousands Should Move From Vulnerable Coast, But Can't Pay Them